Business Model

Course Fee
(Online Class)

Benefits of Online Classes

Interactive and Practical Lessons

  • Engage in interactive sessions with easily understandable and applicable material.

Lifetime Access

  • Enjoy lifetime access to the course materials for continuous learning.

Cost-Effective and Flexible

  • Benefit from lower costs and the convenience of learning anytime, anywhere.

Employee Subscription Fee 

Benefits for Salon Owners

Easily Find Top-Trained Beauty Specialists

  • Access a pool of beauty specialists trained to the highest standards.

Enhance Your Salon's Service Quality

  • Improve the quality of service in your salon with skilled professionals.

Join the Beauty Salon Owner Community

  • Connect and collaborate with other salon owners in the industry.

Job Seeker Subscription Fee 

Benefits for Job Seekers

Find the Perfect Salon Job Across Indonesia

  • Discover verified salons where you can work with confidence, knowing they are legitimate and trustworthy.

Build Your Network

  • Gain access to special discounts on available beauty classes.
  • Connect with mentors for guidance and support.
  • Explore opportunities for freelancing and job placements.

Price List

Job Seekers / Alumna

$ 25 .00

/ Year
  • Verified Salons: All registered salons are verified, ensuring you find legitimate and trustworthy workplaces.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry professionals and expand your network.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy special discounts on beauty classes.
  • Freelancing Opportunities: Access a range of job opportunities and freelance gigs.

​Learning Management System 

$ 10 .00

/ Class
  • Interactive and Practical: Engage in interactive sessions with easily understandable material.
  • Lifetime Access: Keep learning with lifetime access to course materials.
  • Cost-Effective and Flexible: Learn at your own pace, anytime and anywhere.
  • Mentorship Access: Get guidance from experienced mentors.


$ 50 .00

/ Year
  • Qualified Professionals: Access a pool of beauty specialists trained to the highest standards.
  • Enhanced Service Quality: Elevate your salon's services with skilled professionals.
  • Community Connection: Join a community of beauty salon owners for collaboration and support.